Word Tumbler

4.1 ( 9601 ratings )
Игры Словесные
Разработчик Alexander Hui
0.99 USD

Word Tumbler is a word game that challenges you to flex your mind and tests your ability to quickly create words on the fly.


1. Standard Mode - The goal is to try to create a different word from the word that was displayed to you on screen. You have a certain number of points you need to achieve to reach the next level. If you fail to reach those points the game is over. As the stage progresses bombs will eventually appear with a letter on it. If a bomb is not used and it is dropped off the screen the game is over. When you reach a certain level of points bonus buttons will appear that can help you progress farther through the game.

2. Frenzy Mode - You have a 3 minute time limit to create as many words as possible from the displayed word. There are no bombs in this mode.

3. Survival - This game mode is timed but when the time runs out a new word is displayed on the screen. The goal is to try to figure out as many words as possible before a bomb drops and its game over. Bonus time is given after each successful word submission.

4. Unscramble Mode - A word is given with its letters displayed in random order. The goal is to figure out what the word is. You are given 5 minutes and optional 5 hints to complete as many words as possible. Three strikes and its game over.

The Sphere Vault:
The sphere vault contains a list of un-lockable items for game play. Each un-lockable item contains a challenge that needs to be met before the item can be unlocked and used in the game.

Climb your way to the top of the leaderboards with Game Center integration!

Post your high score to Facebook or Twitter for extra bragging rights!

Adjust the difficulty level by setting the maximum length of a word that is displayed to you.

Learn new words as you play using the "Show Definition" option.

Support information is located on the Word Tumbler Facebook page.